Sunday, February 4, 2024

Ultimate Guide to Use Axitinib Safely

For safe and effective use of Axitinib, it’s crucial to follow these guidelines:

  • Adhere to the prescribed dosage and treatment schedule:
  • Follow the treatment plan provided by your healthcare professional.
  • Monitor blood pressure levels regularly:
  • Keep an eye on your blood pressure and communicate any changes or concerns to your healthcare team.
  • Discuss all medications with your healthcare team:
  • Inform them about all current medications. It should include over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements, as they may interact with Axitinib. Notably, avoid St. John’s Wort as it can interact with it.
  • Report any side effects promptly:
  • Notify your healthcare team about any side effects, regardless of severity.
  • Attend all scheduled medical appointments:
  • Regularly attend appointments to monitor treatment progress and address any concerns or questions you may have.

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